Mary's Diary

uncensored realness from the mind of mary

Last updated: April 23rd 2024
Page created: April 23rd 2024

April 23 2024 I interviewed for an internship at a local public library a week ago. I’m nervous and expect to get a call back from them in the beginning of May. I’m an awkward mess but I really hope I get this. I hate just wasting my summer away and this is my summer before (community) college. I’ve gotten some experience from being a library assistant at my high school and hope that using the librarian a my reference gave me some brownie points. Augghhh I just want something to do that’ll make me seem less pathetic. I also just really enjoy libraries and genuinely believe in the preservation of third places and media in general. I haven’t been to this specific library in a long time (since I was like 11) and it felt nice to be back. I belittle myself but I genuinely want to make a difference and be seen as a young person who cares about carrying on stuff.